Cooked meat and seafood, a source of nutritious food for pet dogs

12 June 2023

Diet plays an extremely important role in maintaining overall health and making your dogs smarter. Owners can learn about pet nutrition by themselves as well as obtain knowledge from sharing by other owners. Of the foods that dogs can eat, cooked meat and seafood contain abundant nutrients to help your dog grow well and maintain health. Join Truoo Pet Care for more information about nutrition below.


Cooked meat is a food that dogs truly love. If beef is a bit costly, you can replace it with other types of meat such as chicken, pork, beef liver, and chicken liver. But remember to cook these meats. Nutrition from meat helps dogs develop muscles, stay healthy and grow faster. However, the amount of meat fed to your pet needs to be carefully measured and tailored to each dog.


Besides meat, fish is a rich and essential source of nutrition for your dog. Fish contains a lot of protein, minerals and micronutrients that supplement adequate nutrition for your dog’s development. If fed enough fish, your dog's hair will become smoother, eyes brighter, feces excreted less and solid. Sources of omega 3, 6 and 9 in fish help replenish nutrients for comprehensive development of the brain and enhancement of eyesight.

Another food source with plentiful nutrients to mention is seafood such as shrimp and crab. These seafoods provide many natural vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, B1, and B3. These seafoods, which contain a lot of nutrients but are low in protein, are very suitable for dogs about whom you have concerns regarding overweight and obesity.