Essential nutrients for pregnant dogs

06 November 2023

During dog pregnancy, dog care plays a particularly important role. Momma dogs need to be provided with adequate nutrients to ensure that puppies are born healthy and in the best condition. Proper nutrition and balanced diets are key factors in keeping your dog in good shape. This is especially true for pregnant dogs. Either overfeeding or underfeeding at certain times during pregnancy can pose risks to the momma dogs as well as the developing fetuses.

Many vets recommend giving your dog vitamins during pregnancy as they believe that if fed properly, the momma dogs can take in the vital nutrients their body needs. However, whether supplements are used or not, do not decide on your own to add anything to your dog's diet unless advised so by your vet. Overdose of some vitamins and minerals can be dangerous for both the momma dog and her newborn babies.

Calcium is a nutrient that should be taken into account. Vets generally do not recommend nutritional supplements for pregnant dogs. Calcium supplementation for momma dogs, especially during the late stages of pregnancy, can heighten the risk of eclampsia – low blood calcium, in nursing dogs. Excessive dietary calcium intake can result in hard labor in momma dogs, or soft tissue calcification and limb deformity in puppies. This is why you should never feed calcium supplements to pregnant dogs, unless advised otherwise by your vet.

DeFine products – The complete food choice helps promote a holistic well-being for momma dogs and puppies. The product is specially formulated with balanced nutritional content and high Calcium-rich Milk to meet demanding energy needs and essential minerals for the whole health of both momma dogs and puppies during pregnancy and lactation. In particular, premium Salmon and natural Algae oil, rich in Omega 3&6 and DHA, aid in puppy’s brain development and eyesight improvement.